Saturday, August 27, 2022
My confession seems to have struck a responsive chord
I also had a conversation with Cyrus Janssen on his YouTube channel.
I have received many more reader responses than usual on my essay on Asia Times. I have decided to post selected inputs from my readers.
Ifay Chang
Tue, Aug 23, 9:17 AM (1 day ago)
I echo with you as a Republican, seeing the hypocritic bipartisan bickering that is degrading the U.S.. Ifay
Bob Dickerson
Tue, Aug 23, 9:29 AM (1 day ago)
Wonderful, George. Very moving and so honest. Peace and love to you. If you need me, I’ll be there for you.
Peter Li
Tue, Aug 23, 9:42 AM (1 day ago)
Thanks George. You have said exactly what’s in my heart and a sense of frustration and exasperation. America has changed so much since we first came in the 40s and 50s. Alas…
William Fuller
Tue, Aug 23, 9:51 AM (1 day ago)
Hi George,
From one 84 year old to another, well done! Like you, I could not be more worried about our country, its relations with China, and the risks to our democracy.
With best wishes,
Ivy Chang
Tue, Aug 23, 9:58 AM (1 day ago)
I'm an immigrant, like you, and agree with your writing. You make the Chinese in the U.S. proud.
Lillian Sing
Tue, Aug 23, 10:39 AM (1 day ago)
I tilt my hat to you over and over again. Once again, your writing touched my heart and soul. 很佩服你!
You share the same experience as so many of us, CA, who came to the US with hope and aspiration. Yes, US has been good to us. I became a judge when there were no female AA women judges in No. CA . It was a dream come true. But, alas, I see over and over again, how US has missed opportunities to be the great country and now has taken steps that will endanger all of us. CA is no longer welcome here. We are viewed with suspicious and the entire CA community is accused of posing a "whole of society threat against the US." Like you, I feel betrayed, disappointed and the necessity to speak out.
Nancy M. Lee
Tue, Aug 23, 10:47 AM (1 day ago)
I could not have agreed with you more. It echoes precisely my feeling. When I came to this country in 1960, America was at its best. It has since come down and deteriorated year by year. Instead of using the tax money to build our country, it has spent the money around the globe to start wars.
Thank you for writing this excellent article. I am sending your article to all my non-asian friends.
Anthony Ng
Aug 23, 2022, 11:14 AM (1 day ago)
Dear George:
Thank you for sharing. Profound analysis! I resonated so much with what you wrote and got to know you better.
Indeed, honesty is such a lonely word in politics. What could we do as part of the solution? I would love to hear more from you. Could we chat at your convenience?
Anthony C. Ng
Robert Kapp
Tue, Aug 23, 1:12 PM (1 day ago)
I knew we had things in common: I ran "Americans Abroad for McCarthy" in London in 1968, when I was a graduate student just out of nine months of Ph.D. research in Chiang Kai-shek's Taiwan.
But not Laurelhurst: the first thing someone at the UW said to me when we moved to Seattle in 1973 and I joined the UW faculty was, "Of course you'll live in Laurelhurst...." Uh-uh. We bought a houseboat for $12k instead. I never did quite meld with the Laurelhurstians on campus.
Best wishes.
Phil Cunningham
Tue, Aug 23, 1:26 PM (1 day ago)
Hi George,
I liked reading your personal story, helps put your pieces in perspective. You have a lot of wisdom, hard-earn lessons and longitude in your views on things.
Funny on the Shakespeare thing. Cornell Press asked me to read a thesis and book proposal by a Chinese scholar about Shakespeare in China; it was quite good!
I've got a piece coming out in SCMP this week about decline in number of Chinese students, using Cornell as example. Next piece is about the almost complete zeroing out of US students in China.
Maeley Tom
Aug 23, 2022, 1:57 PM (1 day ago)
Your article was nothing short of "outstanding" and distributing it to my network. Thank you George
Tue, Aug 23, 2:50 PM (1 day ago)
Your disclosure of personal experience is deeply appreciated by myself
And this is a very acceptable article to share with all My friends disregard their political outlook nor their “ distorted “ ( a big majority of them , unfortunately
Views or perception of China
These are fir those who lived in the west ( US Canada England Australia or even Hong Kong and yes HK and Taiwan)
Your personal experience is indisputable including your criticism and disappointment with US politicians ! Money talk it’s not like one would like to think Democracy is Peoples Talk ( we are all damaged by the Western Politician Talk ) leaving many of us feeling so helpless and hopeless 😩
Hsiung Fei Lee
Tue, Aug 23, 2:54 PM (1 day ago)
Dear George:
Very well said. Your article of "Confessions of a Disgruntled Chinese American" resonances with me very much. I first came to the US in 1961. The America in the early 60's was different from how or what it is today. Many of the things you mentioned were not on the surface back then. The military and defense industry complex brings misery to the people around the world as well as Americans at home. It is hard to reverse the ' one-dollar-one-vote system' we have today back to the ' one-man-one-vote system' it is supposed to be. But it is the only chance that America will survive another two hundreds years without collapsing. There has to be a way to turn the American policy from outward expansionism to paying attention of domestic issues. Washington needs to look after the well being of the 99% instead of what happens in Ukraine or Taiwan Strait. Most Americans do not understand international politics. Hopefully, they know what it means to have food on the table and the roof over their head.
H. F.
L. Ling-Chi WANG
Tue, Aug 23, 3:48 PM (1 day ago)
Hi, George:
What an inspiring confession!
There are so many striking similarities between your experience and mine, from being born in the same year and raised on the same tiny island of beautiful Gulangyu (鼓浪屿), 3 sq. Km., to coming to America for education and opportunity to becoming engaged in American civic life, and finally, to becoming disillusioned and disgruntled in our sunset years. Reading your confession is like reading my own memoir except you write, as usual, with such flair and eloquence, I could not possibly match.
It is quite incredible that we should finally, in a fortunate stroke of serendipity, meet in San Francisco a few years ago when we were active in the fight to win freedom and justice for Dr. Wen Ho Lee. Dr. Wen Ho Lee won his freedom on September 13, 2000. Sadly and outrageously, 22 years later, we, Chinese Americans today, have all become Wen Ho Lee because of American ignorance, racial prejudice, and hostility.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Keep writing because the U.S. needs your perspective and voice!
Aug 23, 2022, 3:58 PM (1 day ago)
With great grandiloquence, par excellence. Henry
Richard King
Tue, Aug 23, 4:40 PM (1 day ago)
Dear George:
Thank you for sharing your story with me. We are the same age. But I came when I was already 14. I did well in school but not at your level. While my math was fine I still struggled with my English and therefore did not get into Bronx Science. Instead I attended Lincoln Park Honor School. I wanted to go to Cornell but did not have the money. I worked at a Jewish resort and managed to save $ 1,100, a nice sum but it was short of the $ 2,000 needed. If I knew then what I know now, I could have borrowed, got a scholarship or worked at a frat house for my room and board. I went to CCNY which was known as poorman's Harvard. At that time more than 90% of the students were Jewish. I hated it. Ironically, my son Bentley would one day go to and graduate from Cornell. Of course he did not have to work a single day to pay for his tuition. But isn't that what we all work for: To give a better life for our kids?
Since there were few of us then, there was not the hysteria of Asian, namely Chinese, students taking over the top colleges. Affirmative actions were then not that evident. These days I don't know what it would take for our kids and grandchildren to get into an Ivy or MIT?
China was then Red China and for the most part not on the radar screen. Even as recent as the late 70s and early 80s it was Japan that was the threat. Japan bashing was in full swing. Japan folded and has never recovered. China is a different and more tough nut to crack. As you pointed out, the head of the FBI shamelessly bragged about targeting ethnic Chinese. I worked in the defense industry, something I would not do today. I wonder what would happen if all ethnic Chinese were to boycott the defense industry. It would collapse.
With China's rising, we Chinese-Americans will increasingly face tough times ahead.
James Hsue
Tue, Aug 23, 5:34 PM (1 day ago)
Thank you George for the personal experience spoken from the heart. It is an experience that is probably widely shared amongst not only Chinese Americans but also amongst Chinese canadians, Chinese Australians etc. I am really happy to see it being told. I sent it out to my HK highschool classmates, many of whom emigrated to the U.S., Canada and the U.K.
Shirley Kinoshita
6:51 AM (16 hours ago)
Interesting op-ed. I also served on the Santa Clara County Human Relations Commission and has experienced a lot of opportunities and rewards as an American. In my case, I’ve had the added blessing of being born in US Territory of Hawaiii, see my home state become a state. I’m surprised you use the term “Heaven..” since I believe you are not a believer in this concept.
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