This blog is based on a presentation I gave at the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle. The script for each slide followed the slide. There were eight slides including the title slide.
I began working with American companies in China as early as 1978. It’s been a privilege for me to witness China’s unprecedented and remarkable transformation from the ground level. However, what I have to say today didn’t just come from my own observations and experience, I draw heavily from many highly regarded authorities.
I began working with American companies in China as early as 1978. It’s been a privilege for me to witness China’s unprecedented and remarkable transformation from the ground level. However, what I have to say today didn’t just come from my own observations and experience, I draw heavily from many highly regarded authorities.
What these sources have in
common is that they have a deep understanding of China and frequently present
perspectives not found in America’s mainstream media. I believe it is crucially
important that the American public in a democracy come to see the many sides of
the bilateral relations and not just the popular and in my view frequently
distorted and skewed perspective.
Up to now conversations about
China run from what’s wrong with China to what’s right, from China as a
potential enemy to why China is not. Some say China is massive violator of
human rights and the counter argument say the accusation does not jive with a
country that has pulled hundreds of million people out of poverty. Some
predicted the collapse of China decades ago, a prediction that has been
repeated recently. These tend to be American voices. Others around the world
see China differently, even as possible alternative model for emulation.
If we change the focus of the
conversation about China to simply addressing the issue from our self-interest
point of view, then which pundit is right or wrong becomes irrelevant. What I
would like to propose today is that we take a selfish point of view and see
what’s in it for America to be a friend of China. What constitutes our own national interest should
give us common ground and domestic harmony.
I can think of four important
reasons to be a friend of China, but before I get into those four reasons, I
would like to quickly make the point (and get this out of the way) as to why
China is not and cannot be a potential adversary of the U.S.
Why China can’t be an
adversary is actually rather obvious. We have a thousand military bases, give
or take, large and small, all around the world. China has none.
China has pledged that they would
not use their nuclear weapons against nations that do not have nuclear weapons.
Furthermore, they have pledged “no first use,’ meaning that they would not
unilaterally launch nuclear weapons but would only strike back against whoever
launch the first attack. The United States have not acknowledged they
understand China’s position and, of course, the US has not made any similar
pledge. In fact, the US reserves the right to launch the first strike.
In the last decade, the US
has invaded and occupied more countries than China has in 5000 years. Ironically
the people that believe it is in our national interest to occupy other
countries tend to be the same people that believe China is capable and ready to
attack us.
Actually leaders in Beijing
are well aware of the asymmetric imbalance of military might between the two
countries. The American ability to shock and awe China far outweigh China’s
ability to reply in kind, and China has no interest in putting the uneven
firepower to the test.
The first of four reasons for
the US to be a friend of China is very simply we can’t afford to take on a new
enemy for no good reason.
Take a look at the left side
of this slide, which has a list of all the hot spots in the world from roughly
north to south. To a greater or lesser degree, the US has a presence and
involvement in all those areas of the world. Our foreign policy says that maintaining
stability in every part of the world is in our vested national interest. So far
our national interest in Afghanistan and Iraq has cost us, depending on who is
doing the guesstimating anywhere from 3 to 6 trillion dollars.
Looking at other regions of
unrest on this list, we can see no end in sight to the turmoil. In fact the
ethnic and jihadist related violence is only growing and no sign of abating.
On the right side of this
slide, I have made a quick and rough accounting of how our federal government
spending is allocated. By far the largest portion of the discretionary spending,
over $500 billion per year, goes to defense. When you added the cost of veteran
services to this bill, the tab is closed to $1 trillion.
On top of the defense related
spending, we are expecting to pay a quarter of a trillion dollars to service
our national debt and to make up for the budgetary shortfall, we’ll need to
borrow an additional half a trillion or more.
At this point our national
debt is over $18 trillion and it will continue to rise. The point of this slide
is that the U.S. has plenty to worry about around the world and to put out all
the brush fires or even bigger conflagrations, the over extended U.S. budget would
have to borrow even more. It does not make sense to me that Washington would
have to ask Beijing for another loan so that we can beef up our military against
The second reason for being a
friend of China is that China has a very different approach to international
relations and can get things done that’s not possible by the American approach.
Before giving you some examples of how China can accomplish certain international
goals that the US cannot, let me summarize in this slide some the major
differences in style to explain how these differences can lead to different
This slide compares some of
the major differences between the US and China. The first bullet points out
that the US, as the self acknowledged leader of the world, goes by the “my way
or the highway” approach. China does not. Instead, China is always pushing for
international cooperation and working within the United Nations charter.
Of the five permanent members
of the Security Council, China has contributed more peacekeeper troops than the
other four combined. Even here China has been very cautious, contributing
engineering and medic soldiers and military police and avoided sending any weapon
toting soldiers until recently.
Secondly, the US sees itself
as the model for democracy and insists that democracy is the only acceptable
form of government. Even so American attempts to introduce the democratic form
of government in Afghanistan and Iraq could hardly qualify as raging successes.
Lack of a winning track record has not kept our Secretary of State and us from
energetically proselyting around the world on the virtues of democracy.
From TED Talk, Dambisa Moyo,
a British educated economist from Zambia points out that even though roughly
half of the countries in the world are considered to be democracies, seven out
of 10 of these countries are what she called illiberal democracies. An
illiberal democracy, subject to a variety of definitions, is one where the
citizens get to vote but the votes don’t count, where there is freedom of
speech but you have to be careful in how you exercise such freedom, you have
access to news but all the media is state owned, and so on. Essentially illiberal
democracy doesn’t work. I call it “shamocracy.”
China does not claim to be a
democracy and they are frankly not too interested in the form of government
they are dealing with. They respect the sovereignty of other countries and
pretty much hewed to the principal of not interfering with the internal
workings of any government.
As I pointed out in the
earlier slide, the US has military presence that ring around the world. China
has not. Only in recent year or so that China’s navy has joined other countries
on anti-piracy patrols in the Arabian Sea around the horn of Africa.
Whether it’s cyberspace or somebody’s
airspace, the US asserts the right to surveillance anywhere and anytime they
please. Mostly because they have the superior technology and therefore they
can. So far as we know, China has not been flying spy planes over anybody
else’s airspace. We don’t really know the extent of their cyber spying since
the only reports we get are one sided from the likes of NSA and network
security protection firms with vested interests in selling their services.
Thanks to Snowden and other revelations, we do know that the US has the world’s
best technology and does as much if not more cyber hacking than the rest of the
American foreign aid tends to
come with strings attached whereas China is more likely to make investments
where both the host country and China can mutually derive benefits. It’s true
that some of the countries that China does business with can have leaders of
rather unsavory character. But the US has also been known to give foreign aid to
countries with doubtful regimes and overlook flaws of conduct merely because the
national interests are aligned.
The real major difference is that
cash is frequently part of the US package and cash is easy to divert into
personal pockets and encourage corrupt practices. China’s deals tend to be
non-cash based projects such as building roads, schools and hospitals. In
Africa, for example, China has been more favorably regarded by the countries
there than the US.
So what are some of the
things China can do better than the U.S? How each dealt with the Ebola scare in
West Africa is one straightforward example. While the US flew some of the
patients to the US to get special therapy using as yet unproven anti-serum.
China sent medical teams from China to work on the ground to help isolate the
virus from contagion reaching epidemic proportions. Included in their mission
of 6000 persons with 800 medical experts was to train 10,000 locals to deal
with this disease for the long term. This turned out to be one occasion where
President Obama did acknowledge and thank China for their humanitarian action.
After the American withdrawal
from Afghanistan, China moved in to organize meetings between the new government
headed by Ashraf Ghani and the Taliban. Both parties have enough confidence in
China as an honest broker to agree to meet and hold conversations about the
future of the country. This development was even reported on The New York Times
and the front page of the Wall Street Journal including a thank you
acknowledgement from the Obama administration.
I believe the Korean
peninsula represents the most important example of what collaboration can
From the Clinton
Administration to this day, the American side has always pushed for 6 party
talks as a venue to negotiate and discourage North Korea from developing the
nuclear bomb. Invariably just when we think the six-party conference is about
to take place, the North Koreans find some maneuver to torpedo the meeting.
Just as invariably, the Americans would throw their hands up in frustration and
disgust and say to China, “you have the most influence on North Koreans, making
them behave is your problem.” I know I am simplifying the history but the
generalization will suffice for what I want about to suggest.
The North Koreans know full
well that they have China in a conundrum. Even though the North Korean economy
depends on China for life support, they know that China can’t afford to let the
regime implode because under the existing treaty between South Korea and the
U.S. If South Korea were to unify the peninsula then American troops can be
stationed right on the Yalu River. Based on history and China’s relations with
the U.S., China could never accept having American GIs on their border. In
other words, China needs North Korea as a buffer from the American troops.
But what if Obama were to say
to Xi Jinping that when and if the peninsula were to unify under the South
Korean regime, the U.S. would immediately take all its troops off the
peninsula? Think what would happen to North Korea if this becomes a binding
understanding between China and the U.S. They could no longer blackmail China
into continuing the lifeline in support of North Korea. They would have to
behave and negotiate with the other parties and reach some kind of agreement on
a nuclear free Korean peninsula.
It’s well known that Xi
Jinping does not care for Kim Jong-un and gets along fine with President Park
of South Korea. (He has met Park 6 times since taking over as head of China to
zero with Kim.) What’s more, China is already South Korea’s biggest trading
partner and China is where South Korea has made their largest foreign
investments. South Korea is one of most popular travel destinations for Chinese
tourists and South Korea K-pop and historical TV soaps enjoy wide following in
China. The just concluded bilateral Free Trade Agreement will surely bring the
two parties even closer together. One could even suggest that China-S. Korea
relation is as good as any bilateral relation in the world!
The treaty between South
Korea and the U.S. dates back to 1953 after the Korean conflict. It was to
protect the south from the north. Since then South Korea has economically
surpassed the north by orders of magnitude and would be quite capable of
defending itself. Since at least 2006, questions were raised inside South Korea
on whether the military treaty with the U.S. has become obsolete or at least
Just think if U.S. and China
can build up enough mutual trust and confidence in each other’s intentions, the
U.S. can save the yearly cost of posting 30,000 troops in South Korea, and in
exchange finally attain a peaceful and nuclear free Korean peninsula--A goal
that has eluded at least the last three presidents.
It goes without saying issues
like global warming, anti-terrorism and cyber crime are all going to be easier
to combat with the powers working together than not. We saw some indication of progress
being made from the joint announcement between Obama and Xi last November after
the Beijing conference of 20 nations.
As I alluded in an earlier
slide, China has become a major source of foreign direct investments
particularly for infrastructure around the world. By becoming a friend of
China, the U.S. would have the opportunity to leverage from some of those
investments and not have to expend our own resources in other cases.
This slide has a somewhat
random selection of deals China has entered recently, not all directly affect
American interest. The top one is most obviously not directly related to the
U.S. In fact, you could say China was the beneficiary of American pressure on Russia,
forcing Russian into the pipeline deal with China. Without the sanction and
threat of sanction imposed by the U.S. on Russia, Russia may not have been so quick to
strike a deal with China but would have looked for other buyers for their natural gas.
At the November APEC summit,
Xi Jinping proposed the Asia Pacific basin as a free trade zone and 21
countries were quick to sign up. Rather than devoting resources and energy to
push for Trans Pacific Partnership, it seems to me Obama would be better off
dropping the moribund TPP idea and go along with the economic coalition
proposed by Xi.
Before the APEC summit, China
announced the formation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, supported
by most of the Asian countries. While one can see the infrastructure bank as a
potential rival to the World Bank and the IMF, it can also be seen as
complementary or supplemental to the resources of the older more established
banks. [Since my talk, the UK
government has decided to become a founding member of AIIB incurring the
displeasure of the Obama Administration. It would appear that the Cameron
Administration has decided that aligning with China is in UK’s national
At the same November summit,
Xi Jinping also announced the land based and maritime Silk Road initiatives
(most commonly regarded as one belt/one road initiative). The idea of those
initiatives is to promote and enhance economic development along the route. The
land based goes thru central Asia all the way to Amsterdam and the maritime
goes along the coasts of South Asia to the Middle East and beyond. All the
countries along the route have been keenly interested in the possibilities of
riding the crest of economic development. While not directly beneficial to the
U.S. economy, the wealth generated along the route means those countries will
become customers of American goods.
The last three items
represent how the U.S. can benefit directly. The US has run out of money for
space exploration while China is getting ready to send astronauts to the moon. It
would make a lot of sense if the two countries were to collaborate and explore
the universe together.
Investors from China are
beginning to invest in the U.S. With friendlier relations, the flow of inbound
investments from China could turn into a torrent.
Similarly, China is already
the largest source of tourists going abroad and not only that, they are also
the highest per capita spenders. Giving reciprocating 10-year, multi-entry
visas was one of the brilliant moves by the Obama administration. Again as the
two countries grow closer together, the number of visitors will increase.
Needless to say, both inbound
investment and tourism will directly benefit the US economy.
Right now this is just a
dream but according to railroad building experts in China, China already has
the technology to build a high-speed train from China, over Siberia, under the
Bering Sea and down Alaska, Canada to the U.S. The most challenging part is the
120-mile tunnel under the sea and China expert is confident that they already know
how to do this. The 220 mph train can go from Beijing to San Francisco in about
two days. The carbon footprint per passenger compared to flying is nearly one
tenth. Four-country friendly relations would turn this dream into reality.
By avoiding the Thucydides
trap, namely the alleged inevitability of conflict between a rising power and a
reigning power, what value can we put on that? To quote a popular credit card
commercial: priceless. What more do I need to say?
Recent Gallup poll of the
American public revealed that China is no longer perceived as America’s number
1 enemy, a ranking China held as recently as two years ago. Now reality has
intruded and Russia and ISIS have taken over as greater threats. So this may be
a good timing to change the way we look at China. My last slide on what the
U.S. needs to do to become a friend of China is based on a simple premise.
Namely to become friends, we need to treat China as a peer and as an equal partner.
Certain congressional members
on both sides of aisle like to criticize and tell China what they should or
should not be doing. They do not necessarily know what they are talking about
but they know that they will get ink and possible exposure on local and national
A corollary to the first rule
is that genuine disagreements, and there are certainly many, should be
discussed and resolved in private meetings. While more of these meetings are
taking place, we should be mindful that disputes voiced in public become
hardened and difficult to resolve.
To my knowledge, China has
not conducted any surveillance flights off the West Coast of the U.S. Other
than acting as an irritant to China, I question the benefits of our
surveillance flights off the coast of China. On the basis of mutual respect
between peers, it would make sense to stop our flights.
President Obama recent
visited Stanford to begin a national dialogue on cyber security and he
emphasized that the government and the private sector can’t fight hacking on
their own but need to work together. The same logic applies to the need for
cooperation between nations. China and the US need to sit on the same side of
the table in order to more effectively deal with the cyber criminals. Accusing
each other merely allows the criminals to run amuck.
It’s becoming increasingly
obvious that the civilized world face a common threat in the brutal jihadists
movement. It is also clear that to effectively counter and contain the Islamic radicals,
it would take the cooperation of all the sovereign nations. In that context, it
does not help for the U.S. to somehow regard China’s terrorists as something
less than bona fide terrorists.
Lastly, we need to appreciate
that the Cold War is over and China is not looking to be the opponent of the
next cold war. The neoconservatives in this country had thought that with the
collapse of the former Soviet Union, it was time for the U.S. to dominate the
world. Unfortunately from the fringe, they moved into the center of power with
the election of George W. Bush. We are still paying for their hubris.
I hope we can start a new
conversation about China because we need to save our country from a disastrous
trajectory that could terminate the rich and powerful economy, as we know it,
all because of foolish policies of our own making.
George Koo's presentation gives an insightful comparison between the US and China and why a cooperative relationship can help solve world problems instead of creating more problems. Cost savings will be tremendous in addition to economic gain from win-win projects. His thoughtful analysis gives a different perspective from US mainstream media deserving discussion to promote US-China relations.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Koo's insightful presentation gives a different perspective from US mainstream media. A cooperative relationship can help solve world problems providing for cost savings in addition to economic gain from win-win projects.--Ruby
ReplyDeleteA list of compelling reasons for why it is indeed in America's own interest to get along with China! Plaudits to Dr. Koo for pointing this out in clear and unvarnished terms. Now we must start a societal conversation of how to bring about a change in our perception of China, from its being a potential enemy to its being our ally in achieving our common goals. I hope Dr. Koo will be there to guide us through this rather difficult task which would involve educating politicians, the military,the media, and the public so as to change their deep-rooted but mistaken notions of and knee-jerk reactions to China.
ReplyDeleteA list of compelling reasons for why it is indeed in America's own interest to get along with China! Plaudits to Dr. Koo for pointing this out in clear and unvarnished terms. Now we must start a societal conversation of how to bring about a change in our perception of China, from its being a potential enemy to its being our ally in achieving our common goals. I hope Dr. Koo will be there to guide us through this rather difficult task which would involve educating politicians, the military,the media, and the public so as to change their deep-rooted but mistaken notions of and knee-jerk reactions to China.
ReplyDeleteThe Tai Initiative stands ready to support this effort with a "full court press" using all the facts about best practices already being engaged by dozens of American communities across the nation. We look forward to seeing Chinese communities doing the same in the years to come. Leadership is the key, and leadership at the subnational level is that which will turn the tide. Mentor a young person today! Tell your US congressional representative you want them participating in the functions of the US-China Working Group. And get involved locally; if you can't find a local US-China relations community organization near you, contact us and we'll help you get one started.
ReplyDeleteTher is already a war going on - a financial one.
Your piece is the first piece that we have read that takes a strong pro-PRC position that is
ReplyDeletewell written and very rational. I think it is a landmark piece and is of immense value.
It almost ranks with Eric X. Li’s presentation on Ted Talk. However, Eric’s presentation
is more persuasive to Americans, in my mind. My 2 cents. Thank you.
Well said, George. Very persuasive.
ReplyDeleteToday, Germany, France and Italy all announced they would join AIIB as founding members, following Britain's footstep last week. It appears these EU countries agree with you. And South Korea and Australia are likely to follow.
Hopefully, this world will be a better place when the strongest nations can work together. It's just pointless trying to topple other countries or spreading false rumors against other nations.
Any rational political regime would be moved by George Koo's impeccable logic, and alter its conduct accordingly.
ReplyDeleteAlas, the Powers That Be in today's United States are not rational. They are the farthest thing from rational. They are, to be perfectly frank, criminal sociopaths consumed with power lust, who will not be content until they have achieved their goal -- total world domination.
Sad to say, they can only be stopped the hard way, through outside opposition.
Here is what Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan administration official recently had to say about Washington.
Washington is not content with only controlling the citizens of the United States. Washington intends to control the world.
Michael Gorbachev is correct when he says that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that has happened to humanity, because the Soviet collapse removed the only constraint on Washington’s power.
But the world is changing. Putin has revived Russia, and Russia has proved its ability to stand up to Washington.
On a purchasing power basis, China now has the largest economy in the world.
As China and Russia are now strategic allies, Washington cannot act against one without acting against the other. The two combined exceed Washington’s capabilities.
The United States government has proven to the entire world that it is lawless. A country that flaunts its disrespect of law cannot provide trusted leadership.
My conclusion is that Washington’s power has peaked.
End quote.
During the Cold War, I was a Cold Warrior. I used to joke that I was to the right of Richard Nixon.
But since the end of the Cold War, an astonishing role reversal has taken place on the world stage.
Former Communist giants Russia and China are now objectively freer in many respects than the US. For example, income taxes in Russia and China are lower than in the US.
The good guys are now the bad guys, and the bad guys are now the good guys.
Today, Russia and China are the two most important political entities standing in the way of a terrifying prospect -- a totalitarian US led New World Order.
Today, the conduct of the US since the end of the Cold War, and especially since 9/11, has made peace-loving individuals the world over realize that the only Evil Empire in the world today is Washington, and that if mankind is to have a future, it must be stopped in its tracks.
I attended Dr. George Koo’s presentation last Thursday afternoon at UW, entitled “What’s in it for America to get along with China”. As a bicultural professional, this was his sweeping initiative by trying to change the existing American public view for the benefit our own interest. We need to push forward of this initiative.
ReplyDeleteWe should note that while the US government is viewing China as an adversary, other parts of the US have a different view. Most of the states (including notably Massachusetts and California) have already established relationship with China as a trade partner. Numerous private companies, including multi-national ones like MacDonald’s and Starbucks, hi-tech companies like Apple and Microsoft and automobile companies like Ford and GM are investing heavily in China and reaping huge rewards. Even Hollywood is cooperating with China in order to increase box offices mutually. It is time to engage these other groups, who can in turn work on the government to seek win-win solutions with China.
ReplyDeleteI think it was a great speech, powerful and convincing, solid content and sound logic. I think anyone who tries to argue against you will likely find himself speechless. Your presentation was very enlightening and educational. I believe you should be heard by many more universities than just one U of W.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Koo spelled out the benefits of cooperation. This is more powerful than negative comments on China-bashing. The rise of China cannot be reversed. The US must learn to accept the reality and make the best of it; or else we lose out while other countries enjoy the benefits.--George Tsao
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the most level-head article/presentation I have read on the subject… clear, logical and rational. It is a well organized and straight forward discussion. Most important of all, it is totally pro-American (i.e. American self-interest).
ReplyDeleteIt is not like some of the blind cheerleaders for PRC, whatever done by Beijing is right… until it is officially and openly shown wrong (e.g. deep rooted corruptions in PRC, wide spread pollution). It is not like some die-hard hardliners against PRC, whatever done by Beijing is wrong… until the good features are too big to ignore (e.g. the growth of GDP, the gushing expansion of the middle class in China).
However the critical deficiency in this presentation is that there is no discussion on “mutual trust”. I would argue that would be the basis/platform to build all the good things mentioned in the article.
The mainstream thinking in America is largely influenced by this “trust” factor. Without this “trust” factor, the rest is difficult. Just imagine, the new member to join the big-power club is some other country like Australia (instead of PRC), the whole discussion is a no-brainer… it is natural, much easier to do. The mistrust is not one-sided, it is also very strong among PRC hardliners. This mutual mistrust is obviously due to many difficult factors: history (maintaining American exceptionalism), political systemic issues (democracy vs dictatorship), etc.
How do you break the log-jam of “mistrust” on both sides? In ancient times, many times it is resolved this way: Kings send their first-born son to each other… as a guarantor of “trust” for mutual peace. What are the “first-borns” in this case? Who are the statesmen to do that?
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"Life is like a chess game... changing with each move."
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Hi George,
ReplyDeleteIt has been 15 years since we last worked together on Wen Ho Lee Fund steering Committee. Thanks to Jack Peng forwarded your historical speech on US-China relationship at University of Washington. It is both a visionary and a courageous revelation of the dangerous crash between China, our mother land, and U.S.our adopted country.
You pointed out that China is no longer on the top of America hostility list according to Gallup Poll. The colonialist cultural exclusive attitude toward China and Chinese American
is still apparent today as you explicitly documented. Attempt to modify attitude is a major undertaking. For peace and prosperity, there is a need for positive attitudinal not only to China but to world over, I believe U.S.
Chinese American are the oldest and the largest Asian ethnic group in America. A vibrant and united Chinese American community could be a potent force for positive attitude shift for America. Your speech is an informative and an inspiring reading for Chinese and all Americans
Sorry for this belated response and would like to extent my hearty gratitude for your alarming and inspiring messages.
Andrew Chen
The most compelling argument one can make in regards to the military might of China vs USA is as follow:
ReplyDeleteAircraft carriers
- USA 20 (10 nuclear powered)
- China 1 (steam powered)
By contrast, Japan had 27 during WWII.
The only aircraft carrier China has, Liaoning, is a retrofit secondhand carrier it bought from Ukraine in 1998 and recently commissioned in September 2012.
In spite of all the China fear rhetorics coming from those who want us to believe China is our enemy e.g. Obama, China is a long way to challenge the military might of the U.S., nor does it want to.
Unlike the West with its citizens being idealistic, Chinese people are more pragmatic. They'll pick prosperity over freedom on any given day. With the benefits of the new global economy that they're enjoying, they'll pick stocking the shelves of Walmarts with toys and electronic gadgets made in China than to colonizing a town in Omaha, Philippines or Vietnam. And for that exact reason, China wants peace to ring out in every corner of the world more than any country in this world. The last thing it wants is to be perceived as a threat to any country and ruin the global trading bliss tilting to its favor.
As much as we would like to see peace in this world, there's a global war going on around us through the cash registers in Walmarts, Macy's, Amazon, Alibaba, and around the world. That's the trade war that decides who share the wealth of this world.
In my opinion, the future relationship of China and US depends more on the alignment or misalignment of their economic interests (e.g. AIIB) more so than the traditional territorial and ideological dogma.